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From the dialogue, we may conclue that the paper…

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Ridwan: Have you finished writing your final paper?

Ajun : Not quite

From the dialogue, we may conclue that the paper…

a. Is ready to be submitted

b. Is rejected to be published

c. Is rejected by the examiners

d. Still needs revising

e. Is to be presented in a seminar

Soal Terkait

2 Jawaban

  1. Soalnya bisa jadi bahasan untuk belajar sebelum UAS nanti nih!

    Menurutku jawabannya D kak.

  2. Jawabannya D. Still Need Revising.

    Karena paper atau tugas yang sedang dikerjakan Ajun belum selesai, jadi makna yang paling tepat adalah paper tersebut masih dalam tahap revisi.

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